
  • Description

For cuts, grazes and minor burns

This ABSORBENT NON-ADHERENT DRESSING helps wounds to heal with a specially designed absorbent pad which has a soft cushioning effect to protect the wound. The pad absorbs excess wound fluid which is important for wound healing. We have added an extra layer to make it easier and less painful when changing the dressing. Keep the dressing in place with a bandage, adhesive tape or waterproof film dressing.

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For cuts, grazes and minor burns

This ABSORBENT NON-ADHERENT DRESSING helps wounds to heal with a specially designed absorbent pad which has a soft cushioning effect to protect the wound. The pad absorbs excess wound fluid which is important for wound healing. We have added an extra layer to make it easier and less painful when changing the dressing. Keep the dressing in place with a bandage, adhesive tape or waterproof film dressing.


Additional information


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Testimonial module

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab accusantium ad assumenda atque consectetur, debitis deleniti dicta dolore dolorum ducimus eaque eius eligendi, eveniet expedita fuga fugiat id incidunt iste iure iusto modi neque nihil nostrum, odio officia praesentium quae rerum saepe soluta veritatis. Aliquam aliquid amet
  • plug
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores, eveniet?
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto asperiores autem delectus magni minima nulla numquam repellat repellendus tempore veniam! Alias asperiores aspernatur dolorum hic iusto repellat saepe, ullam vitae?
    Jon Smith
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • plug
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores, eveniet?
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto asperiores autem delectus magni minima nulla numquam repellat repellendus tempore veniam! Alias asperiores aspernatur dolorum hic iusto repellat saepe, ullam vitae?
    Jon Smith
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.